22 September 2006

3D brain fuck

Yes, I said brain fuck. Because this is my blog and it is rated F.

I haven't posted for a while because I've been working on a rotation problem. Rotation problems are the kind where you spend all day scrawling figures on grid paper and your head hurts. And you are no closer to solving your problem than when you started. And you go to bed but can't stop thinking about rotations. Sometimes I wake up with the answer though. Makes you wonder.

But that's not what happened this time! This time it just took foreeeeeeevvvvvvvvveeeeeeerrrrrrrr.

So, now my turrets can finally target objects even when they are attached to rotated ships and are attached at their own orientation. My brain is going to the playground now...

05 September 2006

A few interface changes.

I've been doing lots of soul work lately - OpenAL source management for one, and as a result haven't had much new graphical stuff to post. But tonight I spent a few moments cleaning up the interface elements - fun stuff for a change. I evolved the target display to draw the current object, and expect to revamp the keys to something more useful in the near future. I envision targeting systems to be a major cool factor down the road. Currently the unguided blasters are the most effective weapon, but they're very difficult to master. Adding a cross-hair would be a good place to start I suppose.

Oh and I just found out my terrain crashes on Panther. Frack!

01 September 2006

Tetris in Space?