30 March 2006

Exploding Particles

Mostly just because I get off on screenshots, but also because these are demonstrative of how a feature evolves, I have some imagery of explosions. These are specifically ShipExplosions, and are intended solely for when a ship is shot down and crashes into the terra. They're still not done, but I'd say they're pretty darn close to being good enough for beta max.

This first one basically is just a bunch of particles spewn out, and even looks kinda boxy. Be sure to generate in a spherical fashion!

The shape is pretty slick and the blending in the middle looks cool. The spots around the edges look a little off.

Here you can see dynamically created clusters.

The basic idea from a distance, with some billowing smoke thrown in for good measure. I think the blending between the smoke and the explosions needs some work.


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